The following key principals are based on seven of 10 High Schools That Work research-based key practices linked to student achievement and the integration of academic and career- technical skills and are intended to guide CBI program design and delivery to best meet student needs.
7 key principles used as a guide for program designs are:
Higher Expectations
Partnering with administrators, teachers, counselors, parents and community to support a belief system that all learners will achieve academic success, establish a career pathway and become contributing members of society.
Common Curriculum
Engaging learners in the common curriculum of the school that provides opportunities for graduation and links with school district and state curriculum and performance expectations.
Authentic Learning
Providing appropriate and effective instruction by meeting student needs through active learner engagement and relating subject matter to life and work.
Supportive Structures
Achieving optimum conditions for learning through a student-teacher ratio that promotes effective interaction and instruction, physical location to develop psychological and social identity and instructional resources and technology to meet individual learner needs.
Sense of Belonging
Providing activities and a classroom/community environment that lead to increased positive social interaction, citizenship practices and leadership development.
Continuous Improvement
Monitoring and improving classroom achievement by using student assessment and program data in relation to the district’s continuous improvement plan.
Student Identification
In partnership with administrators, counselors, teachers and parents, selecting students who have barriers to career and academic success.