Below is a map of Ohio with regions designated. Below the map is a list of CBI board members.
Please feel free to contact any of them with questions you may have.
Click on the map for a larger version.
Current Regional Representatives and Contact Information:
President: Paul Whitney
Buckeye Community School
Past President: Dustin Price
Ohio Hi Point Career Center
Upper Scioto Valley Middle/High School
President-Elect: Cy Kincaid
Delaware Area Career Center
Treasurer: Michelle Sawyer
Pickerington Alternative School
Secretary: Mary Jo Hines
Greene Co. CC/Beavercreek High School
Legislative Liaison: Scott A. Davis
Mahoning Career and Technical Center
Southeast Region
Michelle Sawyer
Pickerington Alternative School
Open Seat
Open Seat
Southwest Region
JoAnne Hodgson
Greene County Career Center
Brent Noes
Great Oaks Career Campuses / Miami Trace High School
Sondra Schneider
Upper Valley Career Center
North Central Region
Jared Smeltzer
Ashland High School
Tony Pentello
Sandy Valley Local
Joe Bridenbaugh
Pioneer Career and Technology Center
Northeast Region
Scott A Davis
Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
Steve Keller
Margaretta Local Schools
Northwest Region
Sherri Camden
South-Western City Schools
Cy Kincaid
Delaware Career Center
Ohio Department of Education Consultant
Chelsea Canterbury
Ohio Department of Education Secretary
Tammy Plotts
Career-Technical Education
CBI Board Mission Statement:
- To establish improved communications among local programs, the Ohio Department of Education, professional groups, and all those who are interested in Career Based Intervention programs.
- To promote a better understanding of the purposes, operations, and standards of Career Based Intervention at the local, state, and national levels.
- To provide a means for the study and investigation of concerns and support which are of special interest to Career Based Intervention instructors.
- To cooperate with and support the Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education and the Association for Career and Technical Education through our active membership as a united affiliate with OACTE and ACTE.
If you would like to join the CBI executive board, please contact a representative in your region. You will also need to complete the intent form. (PDF)
CBI Board of Directors Pay In Voucher
CBI Board of Directors Pay Out Voucher